Archive for the ‘Links from other world’ Category

Financed Ideologies, Sponsored National Liberation, Projected Revolutions and Controlled Class Struggle
May 4, 2012


Even though Meta-Capitalist system itself has the capability to proffer itself as an explanation of its own binary protuberances but it also claims to be an individual anticipator of all the ethical/aesthetical attitudes and their arrangements in modern democracies.


A slap in the face for Society
November 22, 2011

The Polish artist Paul Kuczynski has a great hand, not to mention his great mind. Take a minute to analyse each of the following images, they all have a great cause and a truthful message behind.

A slap in the face for Society

These images definitely make you think about society, environment and what is really going on.

Read entire post here>>> A slap in the face for Society.

Soviet Fashion Times
October 30, 2011

By Chicquero

The collection is inspired by 1950′s, Soviet times. I would describe a collection as a chic Stilyagi (lit. “stylish”, “style hunter”) were primarily distinguished by their snappy or fashionable clothing, considered politically incorrect and contrary to the communist-socialist realities of the time, and fascination with modern music and fashions.

Read full article here>>>>>>  Soviet Fashion Times.